Roommates: 5
Road trips: 5
Pictures taken: 3,723
Papers written: 55
Credit hours taken: 32
Classes: 17
Times fallen asleep in class: 0
Most hours of class in a single day: 8
Fewest hours of class in a single day: 2
Phone calls: 714
Tests taken: 28
Tests bombed (59% or less): 1
Tests aced (100% or more): 2
Classes skipped: 6
Average hours of sleep per night: 7.5
Average bedtime: 11:45 pm
Average wake-up time: 7:30 am
Average time spent on Facebook daily: 27 minutes
Average phone-call length: 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Average time working out weekly: 2 hours
Nights at Laura’s Cabin: 2
New family members: 3
Trips Home: 7
Hymns played: 341
Professors who know me by name: 9
Weekly grocery budget: $21
Jars of peanut butter: 6
Bowls of Ramen soup eaten: 0
Apples eaten: 120
3 lb. bags of Craisins: 2
Free backpacks: 3
Hikes to the Y: 3
Inches cut off of hair: 12
Movies watched: 35
Books read: 16
Boys kissed: 7
(just kidding! only 1 ;)
Picnics in an elevator: 1
Songs written/started: 8
Guitar strings broken: 2
Pairs of new shoes: 5
Pictures in the BYU Daily Universe: 1
Quotes on the Quote Wall: 10
= 1 amazing year!